Dear Friends and Community Members,
As we enter the holiday season, I want to take a moment to share our heartfelt gratitude for you and your continued support. This time of year is often reflected on as a time of joy and celebration, but we know that it can also be a time where feelings of loneliness, stress, and grief, are amplified, especially for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one or are struggling with other challenges. During this season, we encourage you to access help and support, if needed. Our website provides information on resources and services for Adults, and for Youth.
Throughout this year, we’ve been grateful for the opportunity to lead the work of hope, help and healing within the community, and thank you for journeying alongside us. To the individuals who have reached out for bereavement supports, offered a helping hand, or reached out to a friend in need, thank you! Every act of compassion and empathy, every shared story, and every moment of connection strengthens our community.
To our incredibly dedicated staff, our volunteers, the Board of Directors, generous donors, and the community we serve, thank you for being part of this vital work.
As we approach the holiday season, let’s remember that we are stronger together. Through our combined efforts, we can continue to change the narrative on suicide, and build a compassionate, supportive community that shines brightly.
On behalf of all of us at the Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council, I wish you peace, strength, and moments of joy during this holiday season.
With gratitude and hope,
Elisa Brewer-Singh
Executive Director, Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council