For 24/7 crisis support, call Here 24/7 at (844) 437-3247

Get Involved

Suicide can be prevented, and everyone has a role to play. If you are interested in getting involved or supporting the work of the Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council, please see the opportunities below.

Volunteer with Us

WRSPC staff are focused on creating meaningful opportunities
for volunteers. Volunteer positions and position descriptions are listed below.
Please note, we are not currently onboarding new volunteers. We’d encourage you
to explore other volunteer positions below to see how they align with your
interests, and we’d be glad to keep your name on file for future openings.

Please contact Emma Chapelle, Program Coordinator by calling
519-884-0422 ext 2158 or by emailing to discuss your
interest in volunteering with WRSPC.

Share Information and Resources

Another way to get involved is to share accurate information and resources. We regularly provide suicide prevention information and resources through our social media: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. We also share information about upcoming events and new resources through our bi-monthly newsletter.

As well, we offer a variety of digital and print resources to the community, including:


There are various suicide alertness and intervention workshops within Waterloo Region, such as StartsafeTalkASIST.

While WRSPC provides access to Start trainings, we do not regularly provide access to safeTalk or ASIST trainings. Locally, two organizations typically deliver safeTalk and ASIST trainings throughout the year: the Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington and Thresholds Homes and Supports. Visit the links below for information about upcoming trainings: