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We provide professional development opportunities and resources to professionals working within the mental health, suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention fields. Our current services include: 

Suicide Prevention & Mental Health

This page is intended to provide general information for professionals working within the fields of mental health, suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention (i.e. front-line support staff, clinicians, and those providing upstream services).

It provides information to on our available services, as well as external resources available to assist professionals in increasing their understanding of suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention, as well as their competency supporting individuals with lived experience of suicide.

Community Education Sessions for Sector Professionals

Throughout the year, we are often fortunate to be able to host virtual community education sessions for professionals and practitioners working within the suicide prevention, intervention, postvention and mental health sectors. These sessions involve external guest speakers, often experts in their fields, to share information about new research, therapies, and/or best practices. 

To learn more about upcoming community education sessions, you can join our Professional Development Mailing list by contacting

Suicide Alertness and Intervention Trainings

We help to create a suicide alert community by providing access to suicide alertness and intervention trainings such as LivingWorks’ Start, SafeTalk, and ASIST. 

Currently, we provide free licenses for Start training to interested individuals in the community. We also work with workplaces and community organizations to provide Start or SafeTalk trainings to their volunteers or staff. 

Suicide Prevention Resources

We develop and publish suicide prevention resources on an ongoing basis. Currently, we offer the following resources: 

Increasing Professional Understanding & Competency

Across Canada, there are various organizations working to increase the knowledge and understanding of suicide for professionals. These include: