What Else Can You Do In The Community?
There are many different ways to get involved in suicide prevention within our community. Whatever way you chose to be involved, we appreciate your contributions to reducing suicide in Waterloo Region.
Talking openly about suicide or about organizations that work in suicide prevention, intervention or postvention, signals to others that you are willing and able to have conversations about suicide. This can help to encourage help-seeking and help-offering behaviour, and it may be the simplest step you can take to reducing the stigma around suicide. Other things you can do include:
- Attend community events around suicide prevention and mental health to show your support
- Post numbers for crisis lines and resources around your home, workplace, church, community centers, and anywhere else you can
- Participate in World Suicide Prevention Day events in your community. Mark your calendars for September 10th every year!
- Learn all you can about the risk factors and warning signs of suicide, and what you can do if you think someone is at risk
- Talk to family, friends, and neighbours about suicide prevention – find ways to introduce it in conversations
- Sign up for suicide alertness or crisis intervention training such as Start, SafeTAlk or ASIST
- Volunteer for a different mental health organization or for a local crisis service, such as Here 24/7 through CMHA
- If you notice that someone appears to be unhappy or stressed take the time to ask them how they are and listen. Don’t be afraid to ask directly about suicide – remember, talking about suicide will not cause someone to begin thinking about suicide
- Encourage your workplace, place of worship, or other extracurricular groups to talk about suicide and/or host a suicide awarness and prevention presentation.
- Are you a coach, a scout, or a brownie leader? Learn how to address emotional pain and support youth struggling by attending a workshop or completing a training.
- Host a third party fundraiser and donate the proceeds to suicide prevention efforts
- Sign up for our mailing list to learn about upcoming events
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