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13 Reasons Why

Message from WRSPC

The WRSPC is very aware of the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why and that many of you, your friends and your teenagers may be watching it if you are a parent.  We want to caution you that much of the material is graphic and potentially triggering (including a sexual assault and the main character’s death by suicide), and the story includes many mixed and concerning messages.  A reminder that this series is rated on Netflix as mature audience only and is designed to be viewed by adults and therefore may be unsuitable for children younger than 17.  As a note, Netflix suggests the series was developed in consultation with mental health professionals. This is not true. It has been reported that mental health professionals with little experience with suicide in their practice were consulted during production and noted to have little input adopted into the filming.  A suicide prevention consultant was then asked to provide talking points after the filming was completed and was to be released in the next 24 hours.

With this in mind, we have developed some talking discussion points and suggestions if you are watching the series or have watched the series which is available here.

13 Reasons Why Talking Points


Please note, the WRSPC does not provide counselling or crisis support.

For access to mental health, addictions, and crisis services in the Waterloo Region call Here 24/7 at (844) 437-3247.

In case of an immediate emergency, call 911.



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