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WRSPC Board of Directors Member Application Form

The Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council (WRSPC) Board of Directors operates under a governance model with a commitment to the growth and financial well-being of the organization and its mission to reduce suicidal behavior and its impact on individuals, family and community.

The WRSPC is currently recruiting Directors with experience/expertise in the following areas:

  • Strategic Thinking
  • Thought Leadership (Innovation)
  • Fundraising/ Fund development
  • Stewardship and Collaboration
  • Systems Thinking

For more details on this volunteer opportunity see the following:

Board of Directors Member Outline >

If you are interested in applying, please complete the following form:

Board of Directors Application Form >


We are accepting applications until July 9, 2019. 

If you are interested in applying to become a Board member, please fill out and submit application, in confidence, no later than 4:00pm EST on Tuesday, July 9th 2019 to:

If you require accommodation for submitting your application, please contact Elisa Brewer-Singh at or by calling 519-707-1958 ext. 2151.

Your application will be reviewed by the Board Chair and our selection committee.  Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.

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